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to Jat Dharmshala Jind Haryana

The Jat Association appeals to all to save the Girl Child

Justice Delayed ,Justice Denied.

"If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation."

"Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own."

"The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life."

The ignorant work for their own profit,

Arjun : The wise work for the welfare of the world , without thought for theselves.

Congratulations Mr. Dev Vart Dhanda Ji Selected as a President and Committees

Ch. Chotu Ram

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Chhotu Ram was born as Ram Richpal in a Jat family in the village of Garhi Sampla, Rohtak district Read More

Ch. Charan Singh

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Chaudhary Charan Singh served as the 5th Prime Minister of India

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Ch. Devi Lal

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Chaudhary Devi Lal was an Indian politician who served as 6th Deputy Prime Minister of India.

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Contact Form



Jat Dharmshala Urban Estate Jind

Jat Dharmshala Road
Jind, Haryana ( Indian )

Tel: 00000000
Mobile : 00000000

Booking Office

Room No - 01
Jat Dharmshala Jind , Haryana

Mobile: 00000000

Jat Sabha Mamber Directory Jind

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Jat Sabha Life Mamber List , Jind Haryana